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Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Robert T. Barrett, American

"Covfefe.  C-O-V-F-I... No, Wait... C-O-V-E-F-... 

I'm Sorry.  Can You Please Use It in an Unintelligible Partial Tweet?," 1949

Oil on canvas

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Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Adolf Schmidt, German

Woman Trying to Remember What the Heck She Did With Her Hemorrhoid Pillow, 1834

Oil on canvas

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Monday, May 29, 2017


Carl Julius Milde, German

Pastor Johann Rautenberg and Family, the Day Their WiFi Went Down, 1833

Watercolor on paper

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Thursday, May 25, 2017


Michele de Napoli, Italian

"Sir, We've Confiscated All the Enemy's Gold, Their Horses, and Their Weapons, But Unfortunately This Is All They Had in the Way of Toilet Paper.  Can You Hold It Until We Get Back to Rome?," Date Unknown

Oil on canvas

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Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Anthony VanArsdale, American

Pope Francis, Politely Waiting For Trump To Finish His Tweet Before Shaking His Hand, 2013

Oil on canvas

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Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Ludwig August Most, Polish

That Time Grandma Lost Her Train of Thought in the Middle of a Story and We All Just Sat There For Like 10 Minutes, 1845

Oil on canvas

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Monday, May 22, 2017


Ludwig August Most, Polish

"So I'm Halfway Through Building It When I Realize It's Missing Parts.  That's the Last Time I Buy a Wagon Wheel From IKEA," 1830

Oil on canvas

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Sunday, May 21, 2017


Ludwig August Most, Polish

When "Creepy Ed" Showed Up With Flowers for the Fifth Day in a Row, Sheila Realized She Should Probably Start Looking at Second-Story Apartments, 1850

Oil on canvas

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Thursday, May 18, 2017


Gerard ter Borch, Dutch

"Great Moments in Phallic Portraiture" (page 251), 1673

Oil on canvas


Wednesday, May 17, 2017


John William Waterhouse, British

"Ohhh, I Get It, Odysseus.  You're Into the Whole "50 Shades" Bondage Thing.  We Can Work With That, Right Girls?," 1891

Oil on canvas

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Joseph Bergler the Younger, Austrian

"Sorry to Interrupt, Sir, But Your Dad's on the Phone.  Something About Not Being Able To Find the Remote For the Pearly Gates," 1822

Oil on canvas


Monday, May 15, 2017


Arthur Perigal the Elder, English

Prom Photo Taken With World's Longest Selfie Stick, 1828

Oil on canvas

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Sunday, May 14, 2017


Louis-Léopold Boilly, French

"I'm Warning You, Travis.  Interrupt the Story Again and I'm Going to Shove This Shawl Where the Sun Don't Shine," 1824

Oil on canvas

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Thursday, May 11, 2017


Anna Kirstine Ancher, Danish

The Artist's Mother, Working On Her "I'm Not Angry, Just Disappointed" Face, 1913

Oil on canvas

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Eugénie Servières, French

"No Lancelot, I Can Not 'Score You a Couple Condoms.'  But the CVS in South Camelot Is Open 24 Hours," Before 1855

Oil on canvas

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Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Jacques-Laurent Agasse, Swiss

"Right Now I'm Offering Zero Down With No Interest For the First Six Months.  Or We Can Talk About Getting You Into a Lease," 1822

Oil on canvas

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Monday, May 8, 2017


Louis-François Cassas, French

"Of Course I'd Love to Live Here Forever, But 'His Majesty' Wants to Flip It and Downsize to a Condo," 1822

Watercolor on paper

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Sunday, May 7, 2017


Eugénie Servières, French

"No Honey, I Can't Watch the Kids.  I've Got 2 Inquisitions, Hernando de Soto's Performance Review, and a Codpiece Fitting," 1822

Oil on canvas

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Thursday, May 4, 2017


Joseph Denis Odevaere, Flemish

Brochure for the Law Offices of Westingham, Morris & Some Dead Guy, LLC, 1805

Oil on canvas

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Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Johannes Jelgerhuis, Dutch

"I'm Sorry, Sir.  I'm Afraid I've Never Heard of a Book Called "Eat, Pray, Love."  Are You SURE It's By Dickens?," 1820

Oil on canvas

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Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein, German

"Okay, I Get It -- You're Upset That I Cheated on You With Your Best Friend.  But Let's Not Let It Ruin Our Anniversary," 1819

Oil on canvas

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William Etty, British

"Dude!  What Part of 'Tie on the Doorknob' Did You Not Understand?," 1820

Oil on canvas

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