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Monday, November 30, 2009


Guercino Visione, Italian

Douchebag Blowing Trumpet at 4 in the Morning, 1629

Oil on canvas

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Sunday, November 29, 2009


Luis Eugenio Melendez, Spanish

Artist With Police Sketch of Naked Dude Who Stole His Easel, 1746

Oil on canvas

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Saturday, November 28, 2009


Juan de Borgona, Spanish

Virgin Mary Voted Off "Idol," 1515

Oil on canvas

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Paul Cezanne, French

Three Guys Checking Their iPhones, 1890

Oil on canvas

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Friday, November 27, 2009


Max Schuler, German

Mildred Baines Pennyworth, Phone Sex Pioneer, 1912

Oil on canvas

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Thursday, November 26, 2009


Jose Aparicio, Spanish

Why Socrates Loves His Job: Reason #7, 1811

Oil on canvas

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Martin Schaffner, German

Susan Boyle, Astronomer, 1533

Oil on canvas

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Georges de La Tour, French

Andy Samberg Trapped in Lame "SNL" Fortune Teller Sketch, 1633

Oil on canvas

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Giuseppe Recco, Italian

thoucanhascheezburger.com, 1664

Oil on canvas

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Francois Boucher, French

Teenage Boy Becoming Concerned the Roofies Aren't Wearing Off, 1750

Oil on canvas

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Salvator Rosa, Italian

"CSI: Antwerp," 1645

Oil on canvas

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Cornelis de Vos, French

Portrait of the Leinwand Family, Shortly After Being Rear-Ended

Oil on canvas

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Charles Courtney Curran, American

Another Satisfied Jenny Craig Customer (with "Before" Painting), 1887

Oil on canvas

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Bernardino Mei, Italian

Jesus Rushing Through Penn Station, 1655

Oil on canvas

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Monday, November 23, 2009


Edgar Degas, French

Portrait of the Artist in Mom Jeans, 1867

Oil on canvas

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Aert de Gelder, Dutch

Woman Falling for Pervert's "Breastfeeding Tutorial" Scam, 1690

Oil on canvas

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Adriaen Brouwer, Flemish

That's Not Ale!, 1636

Oil on wood


John Singer Sargent, American

"Girls Gone Wild: Islamic Edition," 1880

Oil on canvas

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Peter Paul Rubens, Flemish

Worst Secret Santa Gift Ever, 1632

Oil on canvas

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Simon Vouet, French

Organist Taking God's Request for "Piano Man"... Again, 1626

Oil on canvas

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T.H. Matteson, American

Shirley Temple, Real Estate Agent, 1860

Oil on canvas

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Benjamin West, American

General Wolfe Upon Learning He's Won Justin Bieber Tickets, 1770

Oil on canvas

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Saturday, November 21, 2009


Antonio Parreiras, Portuguese

Woman With Nice Jugs (Pun Intended), 1909

Oil on canvas

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Elisabeth Keyser, Swedish

Woman With Nice Jugs (No Pun Intended), 1881

Oil on canvas



Benedito Calixto, Portuguese

Open Mike at Our Lady Santa Maria de Sao Paolo, 1883

Oil on canvas


Abraham Bloemaert, German

Old Woman Suddenly Remembering She Needs to Buy Milk, 1620

Oil on canvas

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Friday, November 20, 2009


Cesar van Everdingen, Dutch

Playboy's Women of the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra Issue, 1650

Oil on canvas

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Adolf Eberle, German

Another Match.com Success Story, 1873

Oil on canvas

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Auguste Renoir, French

Lunch Break at Kid Rock Look-Alike Contest, 1881

Oil on canvas

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Thursday, November 19, 2009


Hans Muelich, German

Before ESPN, 1552

Oil on canvas

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Artist Unknown, Flemish School
Liberace’s First Day of Kindergarten, 1934
Oil on panel

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Artist Unknown

Disciple Heeding Lord's Call to Lose the Pube-stache, 1620

Oil on canvas

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Knut Ekvall, Swedish

The Little Mermaid 4: Boy Crazy, 1904

Oil on canvas



Sunday, November 15, 2009


Pieter Breugel, Flemish
Portrait of Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandma Winehouse (with modern-day descendant for comparison), 1563
Oil on canvas

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Jan Steen, Dutch
Amish Stripper Dressing for Work, 1685
Oil on wood



Pablo Picasso, Spanish

Seahorse After A Knife Fight, 1927

Oil on canvas



Fritz Zuber-Buhler, German

Octomom Losing Her Shit, 1852

Oil on canvas

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Edouard Manet, French

Portrait of a Shit-Faced Waitress (Beer #7), 1878

Oil on canvas

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Constantin Huygens, Dutch
Boy Trading Stick of Gum for Pair of Ridiculous Boots, 1632
Oil on canvas



Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, French
Janis Joplin, Prom Night 1962, 1969
Oil on canvas

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Alessandro Turchi detto l’Orbetto, Italian

Jesus Asking Strangers for Directions, 1580

Oil on canvas
